Bring us your complex challenges
Bring us your complex challenges
We’re ready to solve them with the industry’s most expansive portfolio of respected products, backed by the industry’s deepest bench of talent and 200 years of innovation.
Current’s luminaire and controls solutions are represented by the brightest channel partners in each region and market we serve. We’ll connect you to the right lighting solution that gets the job done. Beautifully.

Current HLI Brands
from customizable architectural luminaries to our collection of quality driven solutions designed for the Electrical Contractor and state of the art Connected Lighting Solutions we have you covered.
Current GLI Brands
a broad portfolio from tradition and LED Lamps to industry leading application specific lighting like Horticultural, Signage, Refrigerated Display, Transportation and Roadway Lighting.
Forum provides a collection of creative architectural luminaries all of which can be custom tailored to fit your individual needs. Innovative specification-grade LED lighting solutions.
Current Chemicals
A division inside of Current, Current Chemicals provides wet precipitation and solid-state chemical processes for contract research and development, piloting, and specialty and bulk production.
Discover more at Current