Town of Grimsby

Town of Grimsby

Our Customer

Straddling the shores of Lake Ontario between Hamilton and Niagara Falls, the vibrant and thriving Town of Grimsby engaged Current to spearhead a total conversion of its roadway lighting to LED.

The Expectation

Grimsby focused its bid evaluation on optical performance, quality and longevity, company reputation, delivery lead time and pricing. It looked for turnkey proposals from each manufacturer in its evaluation process.

“Grimsby realized that LED lighting has numerous advantages over the older HPS technology,” said Derek Publicover, Lighting GM, Current Canada. “These include lower operating costs, reduced maintenance, longer lifespan, improved quality of light, and less ‘sky glow' or light pollution.”

The Solution

The Town of Grimsby replaced more than 2,600 HPS fixtures with Current Evolve™ LED. Current is also working with its local representative, Tymat Solutions, and ERTH Holdings to offer Grimsby a turnkey solution, including project management, logistics, installation, and overseeing the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) rebate process.

“The Current Evolve LED Cobraheads allowed us to provide Grimsby with the best all-around solution—maximum energy savings, excellent light output and performance, and an attractive price point to maximize the town's return on investment,” said Scott Garton, vice president of ERTH Holdings, the company overseeing the town's LED retrofit program.


By converting its HPS cobraheads to new Current LED fixtures, Grimsby expects to reduce its energy consumption for roadway lighting by 54 percent.

Bob Leroux, the town's director of Public Works, noted that “we are almost finished with the four-month conversion, and have received positive response from aldermen and the public indicating the Town is pleased with the change. The comments have been very positive on the savings, the light color and the fact that spill-over lighting is no longer a concern.”

“We've created a unique lighting model and design approach that lets us leverage the LED technology that's available and the different lighting effects that can be achieved. LED technology has allowed us to focus light where it is more important on our roadways and on the pedestrian route,” said Arsheel Hirji, leader of sustainable infrastructure for Engineering and Energy Services at the city of Calgary.

“By offering Grimsby a turnkey solution, we are providing the Town with a brand-new, energy-efficient street lighting system at one fixed rate and a set ROI period,” said Garton. “One in which it can start realizing savings from day one of the conversion.”

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