Senate Infrastructure Discussion Draft with some details

Senate Infrastructure Discussion Draft with some details

June 21, 2021

The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (DNC) let by Senator Joe Manchin (WV) released a 400-page discussion draft called the “Energy Infrastructure Act” which paints a vision for the reconciliation bill being messaged to go alongside the surface infrastructure bipartisan bill. ENC committee having hearings this week, then it should start getting marked up in July. It’s early, but some highlights relevant to Current interests:

  • $550MM for the Energy Efficiency & Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG) – this is the main vehicle for state rebate funding that our team is used to (for comparison – 2009 ARRA was $3.2B)
  • $100MM/year (2022-2026) competitive grants for Public Schools
  • $10MM/Year (2022-2026) Pilot program for Energy Efficient Materials (includes lighting systems) for nonprofit buildings
  • $15MM/State Capitalization Grant Program – Loans (or Grants for small business) for energy audits and upgrades
  • Manufacturing is focused around smart manufacturing, energy management systems, and workforce training
  • NOTE – includes “Davis-Bacon Act” which requires prevailing wages on projects – and the only Buy America Steel/Aluminum content requirements are in a section that doesn’t impact us

Manchin-led committee puts forth sprawling energy infrastructure proposal (

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